“Every step forward must be taken in the teeth of political pressures and economic constraints that could push you two steps back if you flinch and falter. I have no flinched, I have not faltered.”
It has been over 24 hours since the State of the Nation Address of the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. It was the last SONA of the president (except if she will not step down. Haha! Shiver till you die all you anti-Gloria!) and out of the last eight SONA's, I haven't seen it live almost all of them. Including this last one. But hey! I watched the replay at late night.
To review, the exiting-to-be president talked about the achievements of her administration, most especially the economic success (if you call it a success, if others would criticize), the added jobs, salvation from recession (it's really possible since Philippines is not a wealthy country and if there is we will hardly feel it), all her infrastructure projects made around the country, rebuilding of the damaged cities, the improvements in education including the about hundreds of scholarships given out, the importance of the taxes and how it helped us. She also bragged all the talks to other world leaders and the positive results out of the those talks. And a lot more...
My most favorite part in that speech, however, (even if her critics would say that she showed her arrogance there and that she was not clear on some things and that she is a liar) was when she began attacking people who for long were her archenemies and critics (even some were her allies before). Even if I am not a good follower of the current events, especially about what's going on in the government,but I can sense who are those people. Haha! Hope the people who were attacked are not too Numb And Dumb not too understand! Especially the one who threatened her to send her to jail, which according to Gloria, had also been there!
Anyways, I believe 3/4 of what GMA said. Meaning I'm a believer. If they say she lied, so what? Do you think these critics and antis can do what she has done for eight years. After two administrations who left an economy in turmoil and chaos, she was able to at least improve it a little, even just a little. Imagine what she had to go through after the "ex-convict" left her millions (or maybe billions) of debts? And to add that she is a lady. Gloria has done what she needs to do, though it is maybe not that satisfying. I hope the people who would replace her is better than her because they keep on criticizing her. (Let's wait and see.)
SONA is one proof of her activities. She may have lied on some parts but everything there was not a lie! Crazy are the people to call her a liar in all of what she said.
If I were there present right in front during the SONA, I would have applauded non-stop until the end of her speech. But, tsk tsk! I haven't even seen it live!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Trash Bin
I can't write anything. Or I thought so.
I was thinking for a long while what to put right here on my blog but nothing comes into my mind. Everything that pops out of my mind is about my new job, if you call that a job at these moments. It's been three weeks that I go under training, although we were promised it should only be two weeks. Ugh! I don't want to talk about it now. I want to stay positive and I chose this job so I need to treat this better.
Do I need to talk again my daily trips, DueƱas to City (vice versa)? Maybe. I'll try.
Or if I start facing my new students, I could talk about them. We'll try and see.
Just now, I can't come up with anything.
I was thinking for a long while what to put right here on my blog but nothing comes into my mind. Everything that pops out of my mind is about my new job, if you call that a job at these moments. It's been three weeks that I go under training, although we were promised it should only be two weeks. Ugh! I don't want to talk about it now. I want to stay positive and I chose this job so I need to treat this better.
Do I need to talk again my daily trips, DueƱas to City (vice versa)? Maybe. I'll try.
Or if I start facing my new students, I could talk about them. We'll try and see.
Just now, I can't come up with anything.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Just A Thought!
Stop criticizing our President. All our Presidents! If you could not discipline your own ONE self, how much more for the President who looks over 90 million Filipinos! Please be considerate!!

The moment you first step into my town,
The volcano exploded.
It suddenly spewed out
hot, flaming lava -
your hands had crashed it.
The thick smoke came out
of its mouth
when you spoke soft soothing sentences.
The giant embers that flashes out
of the crater sparkling like fireworks
celebrate your coming to my land.
The explosion caused too much trembling
Like you were shaking the volcano;
But I can’t let you stop.
Let’s wait for them to die down
Like we’ve waited for a lifetime
to find each other.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Back to School with 5% Agony
I'm officially enrolled! Yes, I am! After more than two weeks managing my impatience I'm finally relieved to know that I could go back to school, but not as a teacher but as a student.
I am taking up a Master's degree at "some" university here in Iloilo. I enrolled in a major I thought I would enjoy but because of some reasons that I could not openly tell it here, to avoid such embarrassment (chos!). So, last AY 2008-09, I decided to shift to another major. I wrote a letter to the dean, talked to my adviser and asked permission from classmates. Everything was fine, the dean approved the request and I changed major successfully. However, I was absent without a leave (AWOL) for that whole year! Well, it served me not that quite difficult but annoying results a year later.
AY 2009-2010. Even without enough money and happily jobless, I decided to go back study. But since my status is AWOL, they gave a few but patience-testing (that's on my own opinion, I don't know you with you) things to do. First, I have to write a letter requesting for readmission. It might not be that difficult to write a letter but what's difficult is that you can't give any strong reasons except that I got lazy for the enrolment last year plus I was too afraid of frequent absences in my former school. Isn't it difficult. Anyways, I found good reasons and my request was approved - after waiting for one week when the enrolment would be on that week too.
Knowing that my request was approved, I went to school and started my enrolment. They gave me a Physical Exam request slip, had the P.E., (which after this enrolment would be a lot easier), returned to the office and filled up a contact information slip. I was hopeful I could finish the enrolment that day. But, @#$%^!, they forgot to tell me I have to pass another form. A request to credit my advanced subjects in triplicate. But there's nothing I can do but follow or else I'll be left AWOL forever. But the agony was just about to start.
After filling up, I let all the people sign who needs to sign in the request and then they would bring it to the campus far from the city. "Call after two days." They said. Well, I really called two days after then another two days and yet another two days, only to find out they forgot to bring it to the Dean's office. Another *&%$#@! The agony of waiting pumped my impatience to a level where I got nervous every time I think about it. I don't want to wait another year. But luckily before the deadline, the request was back and I continued my enrolment. Whew! After less than 2 hours, my printed RF was stamped with REGISTERED. Yahoo! I mean Google! No, really, Yahoo! Ok! Yehey!
AY 2009-2010. Even without enough money and happily jobless, I decided to go back study. But since my status is AWOL, they gave a few but patience-testing (that's on my own opinion, I don't know you with you) things to do. First, I have to write a letter requesting for readmission. It might not be that difficult to write a letter but what's difficult is that you can't give any strong reasons except that I got lazy for the enrolment last year plus I was too afraid of frequent absences in my former school. Isn't it difficult. Anyways, I found good reasons and my request was approved - after waiting for one week when the enrolment would be on that week too.
Knowing that my request was approved, I went to school and started my enrolment. They gave me a Physical Exam request slip, had the P.E., (which after this enrolment would be a lot easier), returned to the office and filled up a contact information slip. I was hopeful I could finish the enrolment that day. But, @#$%^!, they forgot to tell me I have to pass another form. A request to credit my advanced subjects in triplicate. But there's nothing I can do but follow or else I'll be left AWOL forever. But the agony was just about to start.
After filling up, I let all the people sign who needs to sign in the request and then they would bring it to the campus far from the city. "Call after two days." They said. Well, I really called two days after then another two days and yet another two days, only to find out they forgot to bring it to the Dean's office. Another *&%$#@! The agony of waiting pumped my impatience to a level where I got nervous every time I think about it. I don't want to wait another year. But luckily before the deadline, the request was back and I continued my enrolment. Whew! After less than 2 hours, my printed RF was stamped with REGISTERED. Yahoo! I mean Google! No, really, Yahoo! Ok! Yehey!
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